
50 Romantic And Inspirational Short Love Quotes And Phrases

The Best love phrases

Over the years, different characters have referred to love and falling in love in their works , and although it is sometimes difficult to express this feeling with words, in today’s article we have compiled 50 the romantic and inspirational short love quotes. I hope you enjoy them!

1. I disappeared from your life not for pleasure or chance, just to check if you miss me and look for me when you do (RousTalent)

When the relationships are going through a bump, it is possible that one of the members, feeling hurt, wants to distance themselves to know if the other is as in love as he is and looks for him. This is not always a good option, as it is better to use dialogue and negotiation .

2. Come to sleep with me: we will not make love, he will do it to us (Julio Cortázar)

When you are so in love with the other person, just being by your side is already like being in heaven. Love involves everything the two do .

3. In a kiss, you’ll know everything I’ve been silent (Pablo Neruda)

A kiss is worth a thousand words when there is love . Surely the vast majority of readers have had the pleasure of feeling those passionate kisses that paralyze the world.

4. Love has no cure, but it is the only cure for all evils (Leonard Cohen)

Love, on many occasions, can become painful , especially when it comes to an end. Even so, there is no feeling comparable to being in love with someone and being reciprocated.

5. Love four letters that mark your destiny. Four letters that invite you to dream. Four letters that tell you that you are alive, although for many you are dead … (Unknown)

Love is four letters that tell us a lot . They tell us that life can be wonderful if we complete the sentence with the loved one.

6. If when I love I am happy, then you are my happiness (Unknown)

Love and happiness go hand in hand . In fact, there is no greater happiness than spending those incredible moments with your crush or crush.

7. Love me without questions, that I will love you without answers (Unknown)

Real love is felt and lived from the first to the last moment . It is a great adventure that must be felt from the heart.

8. The worst way to miss someone is to sit next to them and know that you can never have them (Gabriel García Márquez)

There is no worse feeling than wanting someone with all your strength and not being reciprocated . Sometimes this feeling is inevitable.

9. In love there is always some madness, but there is also always in madness some reason (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Great loves lead us to do great crazy things , because falling in love affects our brain just like the drug does.

10. The women who are most worth it are suffering for an idiot, the men who are worth it are crying like idiots (Jesús Alberto Martínez Jiménez)

Sometimes, it is not possible to decide who you fall in love with or feel attraction to . So, as much as you don’t like it, when there is, there is; and when not, no.

11. When you fall in love, you are not the same person you were before, because it is at that moment that you begin to really live life (Luis Miguel Alvarado)

There are few experiences that impact you and change your life like when you fall in love for the first time . If your heart is broken you go through an  existential crisis that makes you rethink even your deepest values.

12. Thinking about my happiness, I remembered you (Anonymous)

Happiness and love are the same . Too bad that sometimes the love you feel for a person is broken and you have to experience the deepest sadness.

13. A kiss? An enchanted trick to stop talking when words become superfluous (Ingrid Bergman)

A kiss is undoubtedly a sign of love . It is a way of expressing what you feel without having to say anything.

14. We learn to love not when we find the perfect person, but when we get to see a perfect person perfectly (Sam Keen)

Love and falling in love change the perception of things since our brain is affected by chemical changes.

15. What a pity to know that there are people with strengths that make them weak and that do not reflect in fact what comes out of their mouth (Leonardo Núñez Valle)

The greatest weakness of a person in love is to be proud . It can spoil that great love story you are living. Although some are believed to be strong because of this, their intolerance and intransigence can make them weak.

16. The soul that can speak with the eyes, can also kiss with the eyes (Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer)

When two people love each other, through the gaze they are able to connect even in the deepest.

17. Stay without thinking with that person who dies if he does not have you, than with that person who presumes because he knows he has you (Rocío Guerra)

It may happen that you do not really value who really loves you , who does not know how to live without you and who wants to spend the rest of his life with you.

18. The person who deserves you is the one who, having the freedom to do what he wants, chooses you at all times (Daireth Winehouse)

And of course, although we don’t realize that this person lives thinking about us. It would be nice if it was a reciprocated love .

19. Some people love power and others have the power to love (Bob Marley)

The famous musician, Bob Marley, reminds us that powerful people are those who are able to love .

20. If you are in love with two women at the same time, choose the second one, because if you loved the first one, you would not have fallen in love with the second one (Johnny Depp)

This phrase states that when you really love someone, you don’t think about wanting to be with someone else .

21. Remembering is easy for those who have memory. Forgetting is difficult for those who have a heart (Gabriel García Márquez)

When you want someone with all your strength, forgetting is complicated . There are many memories that are still alive.

22. The love of young people is really not in their heart, but rather in their eyes (William Shakespeare)

What Shakespeare tries to tell us with this phrase is that young people look at the physique . When you get older, the physicist loses ground and values ​​other qualities of the person.

23. I shot myself because I love you, but if I loved myself, I would shoot you (Marilyn Manson)

When we love someone we become vulnerable and, sometimes, we are at the mercy of the other person. Wanting or not wanting, manipulates us .

24. What is done for love is beyond good and evil (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Love is inexplicable on many occasions . And it can’t lead us to do crazy things. When we fall in love, our behavior changes.

25. He who is not jealous is not in love (Saint Augustine)

When you love someone with all your soul, jealousy usually exists (not to be confused with pathological jealousy ). No one likes to lose the person they want to spend the rest of their life with.

26. Love is the strongest of the passions, because it attacks both the head, the body and the heart (Voltaire)

Love changes our behavior and, in fact, envelops us so that we breathe it day and night.

27. Love does not look, feel, and even more when she is with you (Pablo Neruda)

l love must feel it and go with it . That is the only way to live it fully.

28. He who loves becomes humble. Those who love, so to speak, renounce a part of their narcissism (Sigmund Freud)

as Narcissistic people think about them constantly . Instead, when you fall in love, you think of another person at all times.

30. The strongest love is one that can show its fragility (Paulo Coelho)

Authentic love can only manifest itself when we open our hearts wide , without fear.

31. Love is not something you have to find, but something that finds you (Loretta Young)

Actress Loretta Young talks about the unpredictable and uncontrollable nature of love.

32. Love is composed of a soul inhabiting two bodies (Aristotle)

That of the Greek philosopher Aristotle is one of the oldest theories about love .

33. Life is the flower of which love is honey (Victor Hugo)

One of the most remembered phrases about love, perhaps because it is very graphic.

34. Love is the power to see the similar in the different (Theodor Adorno)

This philosopher found surprisingly simple definition about love .

35. There are no limits to the power of love (John Morton)

One of the phrases about love that talk about the power of this feeling.

36. Love is a smoke made with the steam of sighs (William Shakespeare)

A very poetic comparison, by William Shakespeare.

37. Love is a better teacher than duty (Albert Einstein)

One of the great phrases of Albert Einstein who, in this case, talks about the romantic and loving facet of the human being.

38. We all need each other (Leo Buscaglia)

Different forms of love are something we all need in our day to day.

39. Love, having no geography, knows no limits (Truman Capote)

This magnificent writer talks about the lack of boundaries of this feeling .

40. Love will pass an elephant through a lock (Samuel Richardson)

A very clear image that serves to express the power of love .

41. True love stories have no end (Richard Bach)

They never end. At least, they remain in our memories .

42. I love you more than my own skin (Frida Kahlo)

The Mexican painter lived and loved in a totally passionate way.

43. If you don’t love me, it doesn’t matter; I can love for both of us (Stendhal)

A reflection full of irony.

44. Love knows no barriers; jump obstacles, fences and penetrate walls to reach their destination full of hope (Maya Angelou)

A true love travels to the other side of the world to reunite with his loved one.

45. The kisses, even in the air, are beautiful (Drew Barrymore)

Kissing is one of the great pleasures of life. As long as it is, logically, with someone to whom we have a special affection.

46. ​​There is no instinct like the instinct of the heart (Lord Byron)

The “hunches” get that name for some reason. Trust your heart , he will guide you better than your logical thinking most of the time.

47. Love is friendship on fire (Jeremy Taylor)

An interesting thought, which puts friendship and love in the same balance. Do you agree?

48. Beauty is the lover’s gift (William Congreve)

A somewhat confusing reflection of the English playwright William Congreve.

49. The more we fall into the thoughts of lust the further we move away from romantic love (Douglas Horton)

A frequent contrast: the more lasciviousness, the less tenderness. What do you think?

50. I am in you and you are in me, mutual divine love (William Blake)

An inspiring and romantic phrase of the English poet and painter.

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