
PowerPoint Presentation Definition Features and Advantages

PowerPoint Presentation Definition Features and Advantages

PowerPoint Presentation Definition Features and Advantages

What is PowerPoint?

Microsoft PowerPoint is a computer program that aims to make presentations in the form of slides. You could say that the three main functions of this program are: insert a text and give them the format you want through an editor, insert and modify images and/or graphics, and show the slides continuously with a specific system, This feature is the most characteristic of PowerPoint.

PowerPoint was born in 1987 along with the rest of the programs that are included in Microsoft Office, with the help of Bill Gates. In the beginning, the slides were black and white and they had the most basic tools in terms of drawing. However, the graphic presentations would not be the same after this fantastic invention.

Both in the workplace, to make presentations in a conference, or in the educational field, used to explain classes, it is very common to use this program, in combination, if desired, with the others included in the Office package (as this is the case of Word and Excel ).

At the same time, it offers its users the possibility of combining images and texts, as well as being able to add music or animations. It offers a wide variety of options and functions so that our work can be as creative and attractive as possible for the spectators. It will be a challenge for the user to be able to achieve a perfect presentation and be able to represent their ideas and their objective in these slides.

To make your work more complete, PowerPoint offers a variety of templates, font designs, default images, and animations to make the presentations even more original. Being a specific program for presentations, it is much more effective than, for example, the Word program.

Currently, PowerPoint offers its users various features that help create unique presentations. To be able to create slides between several users in different computers, to be able to combine and compare different versions of presentations, to be able to edit and work videos within them, to create slides in 3D, to add screen captures, and to be able to automatically save the works in case they are closed by accident, are some of the many features that the latest version of PowerPoint has today.

(PowerPoint Presentation Definition Features and Advantages)

See also: Slide.

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