
what does archetype mean?

Meaning of Archetype

The archetype is a typically Neoplatonic concept, inspired by Plotinus. According to this conception, there is a universe in which everything is permanent and immutable, full of original ideas. Thus, in the world of sensible perceptions, everything is a mere reproduction of what exists in the higher sphere.

Through the influence exerted by this thought, the archetypal expression reached philosophical Christianity and was soon adopted by Augustine. what does archetype mean

In analytical psychology, created by Carl Gustav Jung, this concept refers to the primitive images inserted in the collective unconscious from the beginning of the human being. They are inherent molds of being from the beginning of existence, which have the function of acting as a primary source for the maturation of the mind. what does archetype mean

This conception was inspired exactly by Plato’s world of ideas, which is nothing more than the matrix of everything that exists in what we consider our reality.

According to Jung, archetypes are born from the incessant renewal of experiences lived over several generations. This learning is necessary for Man to walk towards his individuation, that is, in the direction of his most perfect polish, so that one day he can rejoin his Being. what does archetype mean

Thus, this incessant acquisition of knowledge and experiences, carried out over thousands of years during the human journey, is managed by archetypes, who to better structure this achievement have generated responsible models of psychic work.

The archetypes are therefore behind the scenes of all our thoughts, feelings, emotions, intuitions, sensations and attitudes.

They are usually expressed through symbols, since they constitute their structural composition hidden from human eyes. what does archetype mean

Some of these archetypes obtained such independence that they stood out of the scope of the individual conscience of the “I”, the person; the anima or the feminine aspect of man; the animus or the masculine side of women; and the shadow.

The archetypal symbols are found in the original myths, in the most varied religions, in legends that are already part of the collective cultural baggage, which definitely mark the consciousness and particularly the sphere of the human unconscious. what does archetype mean

Some of these archetypes: the maternal figure, the image of the father, the child, the hero, the divine, among others.

They are, for Jungian psychology, immaterial manifestations that shape psychic events. The archetypes are generated in the contact of Man with the concrete world, they do not exist previously. what does archetype mean

The only one that can fit into the a priori category is the immanent attraction of the human being for the divine sphere, that is, Humanity always prepares itself for contact with God, the first archetype constituted in the human mind.

The Collective Unconscious is composed precisely of archetypes, themes present in the psychic organization of each being.

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