
What is Anorexia?

The patient with anorexia nervosa is considered mentally normal, except in the vision that feeds on himself, which is distorted, causing him to look fat and ugly, even when his weight is below his own average. what is anorexia definition

This disorder leads the individual to drastically change their eating habits and to resort to all the resources to lose weight more and more. what is anorexia definition

To do this, he fasts, causes vomiting, exaggerates exercise, takes diuretics and laxatives, all in the name of a standardized beauty, fueled by an economic system that chooses increasingly thin bodies as consumption patterns.

The fashion industry also competes for this, since it has always privileged skinny models, and although it is changing its paradigms, given the constant deaths of models due to anorexia, it continues to produce garments that induce young people and adolescents to look for a weight each. lower time.

This influence of the media can be very damaging in the personalities that are being formed, since adolescents are normally insecure, have a body in constant transformation, and naturally seek a beauty that guarantees them a certain power and a place in the class especially at school. what is anorexia definition

Also at risk are people who bring trauma that involves rejection in the family or physical and sexual abuse, and also certain professionals, such as athletes, dancers, dancers, gymnasts or models. what is anorexia definition

The rigid diet to which anorexics are subjected causes deep organic stress and involves psychological, physical and social factors.

This disease mainly affects adolescent and young western women, but it can also be found in some men.

It is almost always linked to the image that the patient has of himself, the difficulty to interact with the social – generally because he feels inferior to the group – or to work with his sexuality, more specifically if there is a history of sexual abuse or any other violence. physical or psychic. what is anorexia definition

This disease is very serious, killing about 20% of those affected, to the point of being admitted to hospital – for extreme weakness, suicide or radical alteration of blood components.

One wonders how an apparently normal person can present this disorder, but the truth is that in front of the mirror they do not see themselves as they really are, but as they imagine they are, or how they feel – in this case, obese and ugly -, as much as others around him insist that he is very underweight. She does not consider herself ill and does not admit that possibility, much less consult a specialist. what is anorexia definition

The patient is fully convinced of what he needs and ardently defends his views to others.

It is only because of its low weight and table demeanor that it is generally identified. It is important to understand that the patient feels hungry, even though he refuses to eat.

Anorexics can acquire a different taste and also create some rituals for eating, such as eating illegally.

There are two types of anorexia: diet and binge eating, in which the patient eats food until he can no longer bear it, then causing vomiting, sometimes even naturally, due to the excessive amount consumed. what is anorexia definition

In some more dramatic cases, the stomach stops the individual from eating as much. This disease has signs that can contribute to its diagnosis.

The patient usually weighs 85% below the normal level, practices compulsive physical activities, denies being sick, women go at least three months without menstruating, since the reproductive system can be seriously affected, there is a reduction in libido – impotence and other Sexual difficulties in men: growth deficiency, poor skeletal formation, depression, intestinal and kidney damage, suicidal tendencies, profound anemia, blood circulation problems, osteoporosis, dry lips, headaches, among others. what is anorexia definition

The treatment of anorexia is very difficult, since it involves factors of psychological origin. In addition, the patient must accept the treatment, the success of which depends on his own effort.

After the diagnosis, the anorexic faces therapy, both individual and family, if it is a less serious case.

Family members are very important in this process, since the individual needs a lot of patience, motivation and all kinds of encouragement, in addition to dialogue, which is essential at that time. There are no medications that effectively lead the patient to have a correct view of himself, or that take away the desire to lose weight.

Antidepressants should be used with caution, as they can decrease a person’s appetite and make food intake difficult.

It is very important not to press or force food, except in much more severe cases; from that moment on, hospitalization and feeding by nasogastric tube is necessary, always containing the patient so that the tube does not come off. what is anorexia definition

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