
What is nursing?

We explain what nursing is and what is the history of the emergence of this profession. Also, historical famous nurses.

  1. What is nursing?

Nursings is a profession that includes the care, autonomous care and collaboration of human health . Nurses engaged broadly, to address the problems of health potential or actual presenting a person.

Florence Nightingale promoted the first theory of nursing approximately 150 years ago, from which new models emerge, each having a different philosophy of how to understand nursing and the care provided to the patient. In 1852 it was the beginning of professional nursing , because through the publication of the book “Nursings Notes” by Nightingale, nurses began to feel an interest in acquiring technical knowledge about their profession.

Nursings, today, is a career at the university level that is dedicated to the care and care of medical patients. There is another profession within the nursings career that performs functions that complete those of the nurse, and is the job of a nursings care technician, more commonly called a nursing assistant .

  1. Famous nurses

  • Florence Nightingale : She is considered the mother of modern nursings. He promoted the care of the environment to provide a speedy recovery of the sick.
  • Marianne Cope : Opened and directed the first hospitals in North America, implementing new cleaning standards that intervened in the development of the US hospital system.
  • Dorothea Orem : She was the author of the self-care deficit theory.
  • Hildegard Peplau : He wrote “Interpersonal Relations in Nursing” in 1952.
  • Callista Roy : He wrote “Introduction to Nursings: An adaptation model” in 1976.
  • Jean Watson : Author of philosophical curative factors in 1975 and of ” The theory of Human Caring .”
  • Martha Rogers : His theory of unitary human beings exposes that the human being is more than the sum of his parts and that he owns feelings and ideas.
  • San Juan de Dios : He was the founder of the Hospital Order of San Juan de Dios.
  1. History of nursing

Nursing has to do with maternal interventions.

In ancient times and contrary to the thinking of most people, the nursings profession was practiced by men much of the story . When the first nursing school in India opened in 250 BC , only men were considered just “pure” to learn the profession.

The origin of patient care and nursings practice  has to do with maternal interventions , who assured the continuity of life . The food in the first moments of the life of a child is considered the oldest care practice in an individual.

At the time of the great Greek thinkers like Socrates or Homer, it was already imposed that the act of cleaning and self-care of people kept them alive and gave them a better quality of it.

Christianity was strongly linked to the practice of nursing care in monasteries through religious orders. As a result of the Crusades, the strong demand for hospitals promoted the creation of military orders that were dedicated exclusively to nursing , among them were the Teutonic Knights, the Knights of Lazarus and the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem. The Bishop Masona Hospital (6th century) was the first Spanish hospital dedicated solely to the care of the sick.

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