
What is a mixture?

We explain what a mixture is and what are the results that can be obtained. In addition, its components and types of mixing.

  1. What is a mixture?

A mixture is a compound of two or more materials that are bonded but not chemically combined. In a mixture each component maintains its chemical properties , however there are some mixtures in which the components react chemically when joined.

A mixture is a combination of any element, whether similar or not , for example you can mix documents, food , lotions, creams, different types of soil, molecules , whatever. When different elements are mixed, different results can be obtained:

  • Alloys
  • Solutions
  • Suspensions
  • Colloids

The components of a mixture can be:

  • Solids
  • Liquids
  • Soda

The mixtures can be of two types:

  • Homogeneous mixtures . When the mixed components are joined in such a way that they are not identifiable to the naked eye, only one phase can be seen. For example, we have a homogeneous dough when we knead a cake dough.
  • Heterogeneous mixtures . The mixed elements do not form an equal whole, it is the opposite of homogeneous because we can see the different elements of the mixture in it. A clear example of a heterogeneous mixture is a salad, since its ingredients are different from each other.

On the other hand, it is called mixing a result thrown by a process of recording and editing of various sounds . Here unnecessary noises or sounds are eliminated or those that are not chords and the desired ones are left. This method is the one used by professional DJs.

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