
What is IT?

We explain what computer science is and what it is for. How it came about, and in what areas it is used. Internet and computer viruses.

  1. What is IT?

Computer science is usually defined as that science that is dedicated to studying the treatment of information through automatic means , that is, the science of automatic information. It is a sum of scientific knowledge and techniques that enable the automatic processing of information through the use of computers.

The science of computer science (popularly called computer science) is divided into various branches such as  programming , network and computer architecture, electricity and electronics , artificial intelligence (among others).

Computer science has two areas of development, software (programs) and hardware (the products they complement). Some careers are geared towards software development, such as systems engineering , and other careers do more maintenance, like some technical skills. Clearly, the branch that broadens the most is the programming that changes and evolves day by day.

At present, it is inevitable to think about computer science without thinking about computers. Computer science is a science that through computers enhances the capacity of memory , thought and communication of the human being.

  1. What is computing for?

The main objective of information technology is to automate all types of information by means of (mostly electronic) equipment in order to avoid the repetition of complex tasks in which mistakes can be made by reducing their execution time.

Computer automation is made up of three basic tasks. First of all, an information entry (digital information capture) must occur; secondly, there is a process or treatment of previously entered information and; Finally, information is output (transmission of binary results).

Thanks to computing, many production costs have been reduced , for example, everything that was previously produced by a thousand men by hand, today it can be produced by a couple of machines that follow a certain algorithm and do it with a smaller margin of errors, better finishing and in less time , or also in the testing of different products or services, which also turns out to be safer for human life, as could happen in conducting a car safety test to test the airbags and others.

  1. Computer History

Computers - Konrad Zuse - Z3
Konrad Zuse invented the first computer called z3.

The word computer was first implemented in the 60s in France , by engineer Philippe Dreyfus, and was the result of the union of two words: information and automatic. Prior to this, in the year 57 Karl Steinbuch used the word “informatik” in the title of a published document. On the other hand, in the Russian language, Alexander Ivanovich Mikhailov used this term to refer to the “study, organization and dissemination of scientific information.”

The first machine that performed automatic processes from an algorithm that existed and is considered the first computer today , was called Z3 and was invented by the German scientist Konrad Zuse, in 1941. This computer weighed a ton, something totally unthinkable. today, being in an era where everything is becoming lighter. What was an achievement for that time was that it perform simple operations, such as sums in 0.7 seconds and multiplications or divisions in three seconds

How did we get from the Z3 to today’s computers, going through the great invention of billionaire Bill Gates? Not even talk about a Tablet, which not only weighs grams, but is absolutely portable. Computer science has made great progress and it seems that it will continue to do so.

  1. In what areas is computer science used?

Computer science is applicable to various fields of knowledge. By exemplifying, we can find applied computing in virtually any environment : from business management in a Mc Donald’s, storage and information check, process monitoring and control, the robotics industry , international communications, transport control, design Industrial and endless activities.

In all these areas, one of the most important applications of computer science is to provide information quickly and instantly to facilitate the work of employees since everything is automated.

At present, in this globalized and at the same time massive world it is very difficult to find areas in which computer science is not yet implemented . This is why today it is a fundamental tool in labor insertion, since having good computer management is a requirement in most formal jobs.

  1. Computer viruses

Computer science - Computer virus
Viruses appear on computers by downloading infected material.

Computer viruses are programs created to harm such a system or to steal information . There are several types, among which are worms, Trojans and more. These not only have that main objective , but also the collateral damage they generate is that the PC works alone in some cases, causing entire files or folders to be deleted, web pages to be opened from nowhere or files that we did not want to be downloaded. .

Viruses appear on our computers by downloading infected material, they can reach us by email or also by devices such as pen drives. To combat them and eliminate them there are other programs, called antivirus , that locate and eliminate them.

  1. Internet

Something for which computing is extremely useful is to communicate. If you think not, you are not considering the most popular and used invention in the world: Internet . Thanks to him it is that people who are separated by seas can talk face to face through a smartphone or a computer, or they can make phone calls that have no cost.

The communications have revolutionized this millennium and the past generations seem to be born understanding of what this is about. After several decades of evolution in communications, today we are in a global era, in which communication is instantaneous, even between different parts of the planet.

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