
What are the human values?

We explain what human values ​​are, how they influence the actions of people and the types of human values ​​exist.

  1. What are the human values?

Values ​​refer to characteristics, qualities and properties of a person , an object or an action that are considered positive or that have great importance in their context. Like many other terms, this word contains different meanings with different characteristics each.

Human values ​​are those universal concepts that influence people’s behavior , and that can be found in all cultures and societies , with respect to what is considered right and wrong.

These values have the function of elevating human life in its maximum expression and maximum capacity. They are usually related to ethical and moral concepts , even with philosophical and religious positions.

  1. Types of human values

Human values
Nonviolence rejects aggression as a tool to solve a conflict.

The following are examples that conform to human values:

  • Honesty :It is a quality ofhuman beingsin which the person decides to act always based ontruthand authentic justice. In this way, she would have to give what corresponds to all people, including herself. To be honest you need to be genuine, authentic and, fundamentally, be an objective person. To be honest is to respect others as much as yourself.
  • Punctuality : It is thevaluethat occurs when the effort is made to be on time in the right place to fulfill certain obligations, be it a meeting at work, an outing with friends or a job to which we promised to deliver ontime. Punctuality is an elementary characteristic forlivingwith the people around us and to be able to achieve the goals and commitments we assume. We will always get good results if we arepunctualsince it allows us to get more jobs, perform our work in a more productive way and also, we will get them to have more confidence in us.
  • Responsibility :Although this quality is of vital importance, it is more common for people to notice irresponsibility in others than when they do things as they should be. To be responsible is to be able to fulfill both moral and legal obligations with which you have previously committed. The most positive result of responsibility is that you can obtain the full trust of others, in any field in which people relate.
  • Humility :It is a quality of those people who are modest and respectful. According to religious as well as philosophical definitions, humility is related to the absence of theego.
  • Justice :First, it is considered as the act of being fair and, in turn, equitable. It is moral righteousness that is based on ethics,law, rationality, natural law, equity orreligion.
  • Love :  It is a totally emotional virtue, in which theimportant and selflessexpressions and attitudes reflected in those people who possess this quality come together.
  • Peace :This state occurs only when there are no conflicts related to violence. Its main characteristic is tranquility and itsobjective isnot to feel fear of violence. In turn, it can be explained as the absence of hostility.
  • Non-violence :  It is an ideology and an ethical-political practice that aims to reject the use of violence and aggression as a tool to solve a conflict . The main reason for this rejection is because they claim that violence is the only thing that results as more violence. Its main objective is to humanize different societies by betting and valuing life and thus ignoring and preventing conflicts.

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