
What is Amnesia?

Amnesia is memory loss, which can be total or partial. It is usually a temporary disorder and can be triggered by various factors such as: psychological or physical trauma (blows to the head), consequence of some type of neurodegenerative disease, alcohol and / or drug abuse, stroke, encephalitis (infection that affects the tissue) caused by herpes, for example, high fever, seizures, alcohol abuse related to brain damage, electroconvulsive therapy, brain surgery, and Alzheimer’s disease. different types of amnesia

Types of Amnesia

Basically, there are three types of organic amnesia, which are:

Retrograde amnesia , where the person remembers only the events that occurred after the trauma, but is not able to remember what happened before. different types of amnesia

In anterograde amnesia the opposite occurs, that is, the patient does not remember the things that happened after the trauma, but clearly remembers the things done or learned before.

Transient global amnesia is characterized by not having clearly identifiable causes, although there are studies that suggest treating transient or migraine ischemic attack. This variety of amnesia usually has a very good chance of being cured.

In all forms of amnesia, patients cannot recognize previously familiar people or places, amnesia can be temporary or permanent depending on the cause. different types of amnesia

There is also psychogenic amnesia that is psychological in origin and can alter remote memory or recent memory. This type of amnesia is triggered by emotional crises and occurs as a form of defense of the mind against situations that it cannot cope with.

Usually this type of disorder passes quickly.

The diagnosis is made by investigating the history of traumas, diseases, drugs consumed and, in general, assessing the patient’s health status. different types of amnesia

Laboratory, functional and imaging tests, psychiatric tests, and psychological tests are also performed to help determine the extent of amnesia and what part of memory is compromised.
The prevention of amnesia is basically linked to avoiding head trauma. different types of amnesia

Therefore, you must wear a helmet to practice risky sports such as riding a motorcycle, in cars, it is necessary to wear a seat belt. Not using drugs and / or alcohol are basic preventive measures, in addition to treating brain infections quickly to minimize damage. different types of amnesia

It is also interesting to keep the brain active through reading and attention games such as chess, for example.

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