
What is Difference Between Stress and Pressure in tabular form

In this mechanical engineering lecture, we study of what is the difference between stress and pressure and also study similarities between stress and pressure. As long as you perceive you have the ability and resources, both internal and external, to cope with the demands being placed on you, you are subject to pressure and not stress.

Pressure is what we feel when something is important to us when we need to perform or deliver something. We experience stress when we feel there are too many demands on us when we feel overwhelmed and unable to respond appropriately or cope with whatever it is we’re dealing with.

Stress and Pressure Formula

We feel pressure when something is important to us when we need to do or give something. We feel stressed when we feel we have too many demands when we feel overwhelmed and unable to respond properly or cope with what we are facing.

  • Stress and pressure are the two important terms used frequently in science and technology.
  • Though they give the same meaning, there are unique characteristics for each term.
  • Could you explain clearly the

Difference Between Them with Some Examples?

Pressure: Pressure is defined as the amount of force applied per unit area.

Pressure is used in situations of mechanical things where a certain amount of pressure is applied in a hydraulic machine. Stress is related to material engineering where it is used with regard to the wires and sheets.

  • Pressure is the external force acting a body per unit area. Pressure belongs to the thermodynamic property.
  • Pressure is given by (force)/(area)

Stress: Stress is the amount of force per unit area experienced by a material.
So the pressure is the external quality whereas stress is an internal force experienced by a material.

  • Stress is a force generated internally when an external force acts on a body.
  • Stress has structural properties. It is developed within a body to resist an external force.

Difference Between Stress and Pressure in tabular form



  • Stress can be defined as “The amount of force per unit area experienced by a material”.
Pressure can be defined as “The amount of force applied per unit area”.
  • Stress can be represented as strain.
Pressure can be represented as force and area.
  • Due to stress, the pressure will not be developed.
The pressure is always a positive force.

The pressure is an intrinsic property and most of the time related to fluids. It depends on the momentum transfer between the atoms of a liquid or gas volume (molecules constrained inside the volume) on a micro-scale.

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