What is expense?
We explain what an expense is and what is an expense in the field of economics. In addition, the types of expenses in different areas.
What is expense?
The expense, in the first instance, refers to the action of spending or the amount of what is spent ; we can refer to both the money used in a purchase and the deterioration of something that is produced due to its use.
Although this word is used in different situations and with different meanings, its most common and frequent use is related to economics and finance. Next, we will explain some of its uses.
Economy Expenditure
As we said, in the field of economics , spending can refer to the amount spent by a company, a family or even the government of a country . If we talk about a company , the expense is the accounting item that will imply a decrease in profit or an increase in its loss. Unlike a cost , to make an expense you need a movement of a bank or cash; Companies usually spend on salaries and supplies.
For families , keeping track of expenses is essential to avoid possible complications when they need to cover their needs or obligations; the most frequent expenses of the families are in food , education , rent or telephony.
As well as, a government must control its expenses to avoid a fiscal deficit ; Most of their expenses are usually in public works. Public spending is the one in which public administrations intervene . One of its functions is to cover the basic needs of people who do not have the resources to get them without any help. In addition, it must deal with and satisfy collective needs.
Other types of expenses
In the context of medicine, cardiac output (or cardiac debit) is the volume of blood that pumps into the heart over a minute . Cardiac output, along with the rest of the mechanisms, determines ventricular function. That is, heart rate, contractility, synergy of contraction, and finally, preload and afterload. For example, the cardiac output of an average young man is five liters per minute. On the other hand, that of a woman is 20% lower than this figure.
According to physics and engineering, mass expenditure (or mass flow) is the magnitude that has the characteristic of expressing the variation of mass over time by means of a particular area . This magnitude is calculated in kilograms per second; except in England, where the pound is used per second.
Energy expenditure refers to the relationship between energy consumption and the energy needed by the body . In order for the organism to be in equilibrium, the same amount of energy must be consumed as is used. That is, the daily energy needs must equal the total energy expenditure that is made in a single day. There are different ways to spend energy , it can occur in the form of resting energy expenditure (better known as GER), by voluntary activity (physical activity), or by the thermal effect produced by food (ETA).