
What are universal values?

We explain what universal values ​​are, what disciplines they study and various examples. In addition, other types of values.

  1. What are universal values?

Universal values ​​are the set of norms that are perceived as positive and that govern behavior and coexistence within a society , at a given time. These values ​​shape Human Rights .

The philosophy , the ethics and morals are the disciplines that deal with the study of universal values. Within philosophy, axiology is the branch that is responsible for its study and addresses values ​​according to their objectivity and subjectivity, together with the so-called “negative values.”

Universal values can be shared by different cultures and transmitted through school and family education. The media also have a fundamental role in the dissemination and guarantee of these values.

  1. Examples of universal values

Some examples of universal values ​​are:

  • Friendship . It is the link that is established between at least two people who estimate and accept each other, beyond their differences and defects.
  • Responsibility . It is the virtue of taking charge of the decisions made at will.
  • Tolerance . It is the ability to accept differences of worship, religion , language or ideology, which allows us to live among diversity .
  • Freedom . It is the ability to act with free will and according to personal desires, without selfishness and without affecting third parties.
  • Paz . They are the actions of concord that allow coexistence in harmony with the rest of the individuals.
  • Truth . It consists of saying, doing or thinking what it feels like.
  • Honesty . It is a virtue that is linked to dignity and sincerity, prioritizing the truth and building trust.
  • Love . It is a positive and open feeling towards other people, it is an inclination towards beauty and good.
  • Goodness . It is the main moral virtue that involves the realization of good.
  • Learning . It is the absorption of new knowledge and skills to improve as a person.
  • Perseverance . It involves maintaining attempts to reach a goal , beyond the obstacles and difficulties that arise along the way.
  • Justice . It is the search for balance, the intention of giving everyone what they deserve.
  • Empathy . It is the ability to put oneself in the place of the other to understand the situation they are going through, their emotions, feelings and attitudes.
  • Boldly . It is the ability to carry out actions, without hesitation and determination.
  • Respect . It is the virtue of considering the dignity of the other, his situation, his merits and values.
  • Solidarity . It implies collaborating with the cause of third parties: they are the responsibilities assumed towards the rest of the people.
  • Altruism . It involves attending third parties without expecting anything in return.
  • Thankfulness . It is the recognition of the help of third parties.
  • Self control . It is the virtue of controlling impulses and negative emotions.
  • Wisdom . It is the acquisition of knowledge and experiences to improve the activities that people carry out within a society.
  • Compassion . It implies the understanding of the suffering of third parties, without neglecting the reasons that caused it.
  1. Relative values

Relative values ​​are those values ​​that vary according to the social context and the qualities of the person : their social class , personal history, age, sex or nationality.

Relative values are not shared by all cultures and vary over time and according to each person. These values ​​are considered “low intensity” and are temporary.

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