
What is something reciprocal?

We explain what is something reciprocal and what are its uses in various fields. In addition, some synonyms and antonyms of this term.

  1. What is something reciprocal?

The word in Spanish comes from the Latin reciprocus which was a term used to describe the movement of sea waters , which come and go with the waves. This logic was then applied to other areas, and thus the use we give to the term was born today, that is, said of something, which corresponds to both sides. It is a derivative of the noun reciprocity.

Thus, we say that something is reciprocal when applied in a proportionate way to two sides or two perspectives , as happens for example when talking about a feeling of a transaction (which is reciprocal if both involved They do get something appropriate), an aid (when both parties benefit), or virtually anything. Reciprocity relationships can be observed in emotional, psychological, objective , biological, etc.

This term also has very specific uses ithin particular disciplines . For example, in cultural anthropology , the informal exchange of goods and labor is called reciprocity , as is the case in the economic system of a people. Similarly, in the field of mathematics , it is known as reciprocal or multiplicative inverse of a number to another number that, following the expression 1 / x or x-1, yield 1 as a result when multiplied by x. A final example of this is the use of reciprocal in the law , for example, when talking about reciprocal contracts (which bind both parties) or reciprocal obligations (which both parties must obey).

  1. Synonyms

The following terms are more or less synonymous with reciprocal, going from the closest in meaning to the most distant:

  • Mutual
  • Correlative
  • Bilateral
  • Respective
  • Alternate
  • Interchangeable
  • Equitable
  • Ambidextrous
  • Reverse
  • Equal
  • Same
  • Related
  1. Antonyms

Its antonyms are those that establish a non-bilateral or non-correlative relationship, such as:

  • Unilateral
  • Asymmetric
  • Uneven
  • Unequal
  • Partial
  • Inequitable

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