The biotic factors , by definition, are those life and then move therefore must acquire energy (through a process of feeding).

In this way, it can be said that biotic factors are responsible for having an active behavior in the ecosystem, generating relationships through the very need for survival (this could be discussed in the case of humans, who expanded their needs beyond survival itself).

It is common for the biotic components of an ecosystem to be divided between organisms that produce their own food (usually plants), consumers of food already produced (animals) and decomposers of dead animals (some fungi and bacteria ).

Examples Of Biotic Factors

Sunflower Condor
Tulip Eagle
Violet Phyllopharyngea
Cactus Ferns
Sparrow Chipmunk
Chicken Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Parrot Phyllopharyngia
Pine trees Noctiluca
Bacillus mycoides Firs
Daisy flower Prostomate
Human being Bacillus licheniformis
Ostrich Apple trees
Stork Orchids
Duck Bacillus megaterium
Goose Elephant
Rattlesnake Treponema Pallidum
Escherichia Colli Penguin
Cypress trees Reishi mushroom
Euglenophytes Yeasts
Dolphin Cow

You May Be Interested: What are the abiotic factors?

Abiotic Factors

The  abiotic factors have to do precisely with everything that is outside the Biotic, ie everything that gives ecosystem features that allow generating the life of the species listed therein. Indispensably it will be elements that lack life , and therefore will not be responsible for the changes inside the ecosystem.

The action of living beings can have different effects on the abiotic factors of the ecosystem, even transforming it: however, as it is these factors that allow life, it is possible that a transformation produced by one species restricts the survival of another .

Around the preservation of certain abiotic factors, new relationships are frequently established within the ecosystem. When the modification occurs, or when new organisms enter an already configured system, they may have to go through a process of adaptation to the new conditions.

Examples Of Abiotic Factors

Visible light Measurement of acidity or alkalinity of soils
Air Geographical accidents
Relief Ozone
Mercury Temperature
Tin Material of which the floor is composed
Geographical space Match
Calcium Infrared light
Nickel Oxygen
Salinity Content and characteristics of the Earth’s atmosphere
Uranium Silver
Ultraviolet light Water availability
Sulfur Availability of essential nutrients
Fluorine Day length
Humidity Precipitation
Potassium Atmospheric pressure

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