Difference Between NPN and PNP Transistor in tabular form
One of the major difference between the NPN and PNP transistor is that in the NPN transistor the current flow between collector to emitter when the positive supply is given to the base, whereas in PNP transistor the charge carrier flows from the emitter to collector when negative supply is given to the base. The NPN and PNP transistor are differentiated below in the comparison chart by considering the various other factors.
NPN and PNP Transistor Symbol
The supplies a large number of majority carriers for the current flow through the transistor. It is the thin lightly doped central layer. It is a thick and moderately doped layer.
Millions of transistors are found in integrated circuits across every electronic device. There are two main types of transistor: bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) and field effect transistors (FETs).
What is a PNP Transistor?
The term ‘PNP’ stands for positive, negative, positive, and also known as sourcing. The PNP transistor is a BJT; in this transistor, the letter ‘P’ specifies the polarity of the voltage necessary for the emitter terminal. The second letter ‘N’ specifies the polarity of the base terminal. In this kind of transistor, the majority of charge carriers are holes. Mainly, this transistor works the same as the NPN transistor.
Definition PNP transistor
PnP transistor is made by two p type semiconductor and one n type semiconductor. This type of transistor fig you can see below. This transistor has mainly three regions .1) emitter, 2) base, 3) collector.
PnP transistor is a device which consists of two p-type and one n type semiconductor. N type base is a very thin layer, The main difference between NPN and PNP is the flow of current. In PNP type transistor current flow by holes. In NPN transistor current flows by the electron. PNP transistor applications and uses are the same as NPN transistor. PNP transistor is mainly used as switches and as an amplifier.
Types of Transistor and its Circuit Symbols
Earlier, we’ve mentioned that there are two types of transistors; BJTs and FETs. In this section, we’ll dive deeper into each transistor types and explain how it works.
- Firstly, for BJTs, it comes in two iterations or versions; NPN and PNP BJT, with its circuit symbols as shown below:
- As you can see, both NPN and PNP iterations have pins labeled; Collector (C), Base (B), and emitter (E). The difference between the two can be spotted with the arrow direction; where for NPN, the arrow’s exiting the base while for PNP, the arrow’s entering the base.
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