
What is library?

We explain what a library is and what are the categories in which the books are organized. In addition, the history of the origin of the library.

  1. What is library?

A library is a place where we can find books or any other support of a text , such as publications, magazines, documents, catalogs, etc. A library can be both the piece of furniture where we place the books (which usually consists of several horizontal shelves) or the building itself, where we can consult and borrow books and others.

A library is a place where we can turn to read , search for information and study . Many libraries also offer online search services, through the Internet , and digital book consultation.

In most libraries, books are rigorously organized into ten broad categories (what is called “Universal Decimal Classification, or CDU). These categories respond to the following classification: Language, Arts , Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences, Applied Sciences and Technology , Literature , Philosophy and Psychology , History and Geography, Social Sciences , Religion and finally reference works, ie dictionaries or encyclopedias.

The public library is a civil association, that is to say conformed by citizens , that can be a group of neighbors that offers different services related to the consultation of books and development of cultural activities. Usually public libraries are maintained by the same partners . The collection of books that a library has is usually freely available to the public.

The word library comes from a Latin word that in turn was taken from a Greek word composed of the words “biblíon” (which means books) and “théke” (which means closet or box). That is why the word library referred to the place where books were kept, but not in the current sense, but were papyrus rolls or codices.

  1. What was the origin of the library?

With the opening of the universities, libraries for scholars and scholars were created.

Libraries are not a recent invention, in fact, libraries have been known for more than four thousand years . They emerged in Mesopotamian culture with a function of conservation of clay tablets. The library as we know it today we can say that it had its origin in Greece where we find the famous Library of Alexandria or the Pergamon.

During the Middle Ages, monasteries will be responsible for keeping and caring for written culture . From the creation of the printing press and the opening of the universities, new libraries for scholars and scholars will be created.

In this way the modern concept of library will be developed , accessible to all interested persons and procurers of information relevant to the culture. There is no longer any censorship or limitation to study in the world and libraries help foster education .

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