
What is diversity?

We explain what diversity is in different fields. Types of diversity (biological, cultural, sexual, biodiversity, and more).

  1. What is diversity?

Diversity refers to the difference, the existence of the variety or the abundance of things of different characteristics . The term comes from the Latin language, from the word ” diversitas “.

The concept of diversity is applicable in many and of the most different cases, for example it can be applied to the different living organisms , to the different ways of applying techniques, to the diversity of individual choices, among others. Below we explain some forms of diversity.

  1. Types of diversity

Sexual diversity
Sexual diversity is the free choice of people about their sexual orientation. 

Biodiversity or biodiversity.  It is made up of the variation and abundance of the various species that inhabit an area or region; correlation between the different species, the population of each one of them, thenative flora and its differences, etc.

Diversity of ecosystems  It is the multitude of ecosystems that make up the earth. There is interaction between them, therefore areas appear in which it is difficult to establish a particular one. However, to a greater extent, acertaintype of climate , a certain temperature spectrum, and certain animal and plant speciesprevail. Respect for the life of the beings that inhabit the area is everyone’s concern, since when the effects of the practices carried out, for example in mass production, are harmful to the environment , they are having a detrimental effect on the livelihood of the natural resources .

Cultural diversity.  This is complex because it includes different rights that people have for their identity  and cultural values. On certain occasions social influence and pressure causes groups that sustain cultures or cultural values ​​that do not affect those of the majority to be violated. In these cases, the National State rests with the responsibility of guaranteeing their expression and rights, as well as encouraging acceptance and respect . Cultural diversity is exclusive to the relationships between the different humans that cohabit the same region, encompassing cultural, political, ideological, religious diversity, among others.

Sexual diversity  It refers to the free choice of the people about their sexual orientation. From this, sexual diversity understands that there must be respect for different sexual identities. Politically it is the flag that represent minority groups, such as homosexuals, bisexuals or transsexuals, who are responsible for defending this concept so that their rights are not violated and can access the same possibilities as the heterosexual majority. Sexual diversity should be encouraged while providing sexual information to young people, through the action of the State .

Functional diversity.  It is about inclusion and respect for people who have diminished motor skills. This term is intended to replace the concepts of “disabled” or “disability”, since it is a term that refers to the fact that among the members of society each one has different abilities and therefore discrimination or discrimination must be avoided. exclusion. At the same time it includes a whole set of regulatory standards that require and guarantee that the works and infrastructure carried out are conducive to people with reduced capacity.

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