
What is a problem?

We explain what a problem is and some of the characteristics it has. In addition, what are the different meanings of this term.

  1. What is a problem?

A problem is a fact, situation or issue that requires a solution . It is a conflict that presents itself as inconvenient for achieving objectives or stability in various fields.

A problem appears when the people or subjects involved do not know the ways to follow to find a way out , so their previous scheme or the planning they had is subject to questions that lead them to reorder or redo their ideas. It is also understood as incongruity between thought and facts.

In addition, problems can be stated that are proposed as questions, with the purpose of searching and finding a solution, demonstration or verification, as happens with mathematicians.

  1. Types of problems

We find then two types:

  • Divergent: The solutions can be very contradictory and varied, coming to have an infinite amount of possible decisions to be taken in this regard. Example: social and philosophical problems .
  • Converging: Examples of these are the mathematical, chemical or exact science formulas , where the resolution becomes one, or very few but known. They are characterized by being structured logics.

According to mathematics , a problem is any mathematical approach that must be solved by following a procedure, while in a science as different as sociology , a problem is a conflict capable of being solved and that opens up in society and that arises by various factors.

In the philosophical or psychological field the problem is related to an element or situation that breaks into the peace, stability and balance of the person.

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