
What are natural resources?

We explain what are natural resources and what types of resources exist. What are the resources (examples) and how to conserve them.

  1. What are natural resources?

Natural resources refer to goods that are of natural origin , which are not altered by human activity, of which societies use their exploitation to achieve their well-being and development.

Natural resources  are valuable for societies because they contribute to their livelihood . Human activity is what exploits these resources intensely. Only regulations can lead to control and avoid over-exploitation of them.

  1. Types of natural resources

Forests are a renewable resource.

There are two types of it, renewable and non-renewable resources.

Renewable resources 

They are those that have a process by which they regenerate or renew with each new cycle, although even the excessive use of these can lead to extinguish them. Typical examples of these are: forests , air , wind, solar radiation or agricultural production.

Non-renewable resources

They are limited in quantity, in some cases they also have a cycle of renewal but that does not reach the rate of extraction or exploitation of them. These are natural resources that cannot be produced or reproduced by humans at a certain level that supports the consumption rate. Typical examples of these are: coal, metals , natural gas or oil .

The maintenance of resources is not only of great importance in terms of the use as sustenance of modern productive societies, and with that of the human, but also because they are an essential part of the natural context

 that surrounds us. That is, it implies the relationship that humans have with nature, ecosystems , habitats , geography , fauna and flora .
  1. Conservation

Ecological thinking is the only one in defense of the conservation of natural resources, to achieve this it is necessary to make people aware of these negative effects that the planet suffers.

Industrial productive activity is primarily responsible for the extinction and consumption of resources. However, awareness should be generalized and be an important issue in the lives of all people. We can all help on a day-to-day basis , making rational use of resources (saving water , separating waste, using means of transport that do not pollute, etc.).

A growing awareness of the maintenance of natural resources guarantees a better and healthier natural environment for future generations.

It is of great importance that companies develop production techniques that are not harmful to the environment , and mainly that they develop and adapt new technologies that allow them to replace non-renewable resources with renewable resources.

For example the use of wind or solar energy For this, it is important that the national state invest in technological advances to achieve this and promote awareness of the prudent use of non-renewable resources.

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