
Difference between immigration and emigration in points table

difference between immigration and emigration in points We explain that what is the difference between immigration and emigration in points table. The terms “immigration” and “emigration” are often confused because they have very similar meanings. However, there is a slight difference between the two terms, and knowing the difference may help you improve your writing. immigration and emigration in points

The basic difference between immigration and emigration is:

  1. Immigration is the process of moving out of your own country and permanently settling in another country.
  2. Emigration is the act of leaving your own country.

For example, an Indian decides to emigrate to Canada. For him and for the country of India, the man is an emigrant to Canada.

To his new Canadian town, he is an immigrant from India. So he has been an immigrant, coming to Canada, and now he is an Indian immigrant. immigration and emigration in points

Comparison table between immigration and emigration (in tabular form)

Comparison parameter Immigration Emigration

Sense Immigration is the act of coming to another country. Emigration is the act of leaving your own country.
Trick to remember Immigration is immigration, someone who has emigrated to another country. Emigration is emigration, someone who has emigrated out of a country.
Advantage An immigrant could add more skills to the country’s workforce and help improve the country’s economy. The person who emigrates returns remittances that help improve the balance of payments in their country of origin.
Factors People from developing countries become immigrants in a developed country to enjoy a better standard of living. People from developing countries migrate to developed countries in search of a better lifestyle.
Example A person leaving Pakistan to settle in Australia is an immigrant to Australia. A person leaving Pakistan to settle in Australia is an immigrant to Pakistan.

What is immigration?

Immigration occurs for political, social, economic or religious reasons. Immigration is the act of leaving your homeland to settle permanently in a different country. A person who indulges in the act of immigration is known as an immigrant.

Immigration has its origin in the word “immigrant” which is defined as “going to”. immigration and emigration in points

Immigration is a very sensitive issue around the world. Most developed countries like the United States have very strict immigration laws to control the permanent movement of people into their country.

Several pull factors attract people to immigrate. In other words, they are the main reasons why a person moves from one place to another. For example, a better job opportunity or a higher salary is one of the most common pull factors.

According to many studies, immigrants from developed countries have more education than the average person in their country of origin. Therefore, they have a better chance of getting good job opportunities abroad. immigration and emigration in points

For example, many accountants from Pakistan migrate to the Middle East due to better job opportunities, higher wages, and overall better living standards.

What is emigration?

Emigration is the act of leaving your home country. A person who indulges in the act of emigration is known as an emigrant.

Emigration has its origin in the word «emigrate» which is defined as «moving».

Emigration could have both a positive and a negative impact on the country. When a person leaves a country, they reduce consumer spending and the workforce. If the workforce is over-saturated, it will alleviate unemployment and have a positive impact on the country of origin.

If the situation is different, emigration could deprive the country of its skilled labor. This is primarily the case in most developing countries around the world, where skilled labor forces migrate to developed economies due to better career opportunities and higher wages. immigration and emigration in points

However, skilled labor could still benefit their home country by sending remittances. In short, they send money to their families who still live in their homeland. This helps your home country improve its balance of payments.

Main differences between immigration and emigration

Both immigration and emigration mean the movement of a person to a different country permanently. However, it is important to understand the difference between the two in order to use them effectively in your writing.

These are the main differences between immigration and emigration:  immigration and emigration in points

  1. Immigration means permanently moving to another country, while emigration means leaving your own country.
  2. Immigration originates from the Latin word ‘immigrare’, while emigration originates from the Latin word ’emigrare’.
  3. Inmigrare means “to go to” while emigrare means “to move.”
  4. Laws are in place for both immigration and emigration, but immigration is strictly controlled by the host nation, while countries are more lenient with their emigration policies.
  5. Immigration could improve the host country’s workforce, while emigration deprives the home country of its skilled workforce.
  6. Immigration is caused by the availability of better living conditions, better job opportunities, and higher wages, while emigration is caused by the occurrence of deficiencies and calamities.
  7. Immigration leads to an increase in the local population of the host country, while emigration leads to a decrease in the local population of the country of origin.
  8. Immigration could benefit the host country through an increase in skilled labor and its positive fiscal impacts, while emigration could benefit the country of origin in the form of remittances. immigration and emigration in points


The difference in immigration and emigration is based on perspective and its use varies depending on where we are. For the host country, the person is an immigrant while the person is an emigrant to his / her country of origin.

Migrants face many challenges when moving from one country to another. Therefore, the host country must understand the dynamics of migration so that both the migrant and the host country can benefit from the situation.

The migrant must understand the impact of their transfer to their country of origin and must take steps to support their country of origin, for example in the form of remittances.

In short, both immigration and emigration involve the movement of people from one place to another. The main difference between the two terms is based on perception.

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migration and emigration in points

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