
Types And Definition Of Narcissistic Behavior And Traits With Symptoms And Examples (Egocentrism)

We express the Definition Of Narcissistic Behavior And Traits what is egocentrism and how it develops in children. Also, what is Narcissistic Disorder and some recommendations.

  1. What is Narcissistic Behavior (Egocentrism)?

The egocentrism can be defined as an exaggerated exaltation of the personality of a person such is the considered as the center of attention; or the general activities they carry out in a certain context, in front of other people . This word has its origin in Latin, in which  ego  means “I”.

“Egocentrism” is formed from two Latin terms  : ego ( “me” ) and centrum ( “sting” , “center” ). Etymologically , this therefore means “taking oneself for the center of the world” .

An egocentric person is one who is considered the best or the most capable to perform certain functions or when talking about a certain topic. In addition, they tend to have certain attitudes such as speaking and stressing much of their abilities, aptitudes or accomplished accomplishments .

In turn, in many cases self-centered people tend to believe that their opinion is more important than that of others and, therefore, any differences that exist with them, will be despised or ignored.

Types And Definition Of Narcissistic Behavior And Traits

In this section we describe theTypes And Definition Of Narcissistic Behavior And Traits in different periods of life.

  1. Self-centeredness in children (Childhood)

Self-centeredness in children
It is no coincidence that one of the first words babies learn is “mine.”

There is a close relationship between self-centeredness and very young children. Jean Piaget, a renowned Swiss psychologist, stated that all young children are self-centered because they have not yet developed the ability to understand different opinions and circumstances with other people compared to their own. It is no coincidence that one of the first words babies learn is “mine” to use with their toys or any other object even if they do not belong to them.

In any case, Piaget explains that this attitude present in children is temporary . These behaviors are most frequently present in babies from 12 to 24 months, but can even last up to five years of age. However, many specialists contradict this theory arguing that Piaget overestimated this characteristic of children; because it would only be the spatial vision that they have at such an early age.

During Adolescence

Most research focuses on the development of self-centeredness during early childhood, but also during adolescence. David Elkind is one of the first researchers to discover the presence of self-centeredness during adolescence and at the end of adolescence. David Elkind explains that “the young adolescent, following psychological changes, focuses mainly on his own interests. He fails to differentiate what others think of him and his own thoughts of himself, and believes that others focus on his appearance and conduct . “This explanation shows that the adolescent is self-absorbed because he cannot identify with others. For him, there are different manifestations of self-centeredness: illusion of invincibility, personal fabrications, excessive self-awareness, propensity for argument.

During adulthood

The prevalence of self-centeredness in individuals seems to decrease between the ages of 15 and 16 . However, adults are likely to be self-centered or to behave in ways that are considered self-centered (Tesch, Whitbourne & Nehrke, 1978). Frankenberger tested the levels of self-centeredness in adolescents (14-18 years) and adults (20-89 years). It has been discovered that these self-centered tendencies spread more and more from early adulthood. Baron and Hanna observed 152 participants and tested for signs of self-centeredness. They tested individuals between the ages of 18 and 25. Participants showing signs of mood loss have a high level of self-centeredness.


  1. Egocentrism and Narcissistic Disorder (NPT)

Types And Definition Of Narcissistic Behavior

Self-centered people cannot be classified as those who suffer from a pathology because it is only a way of acting . However, when this attitude intensifies and its duration is even longer and practically constant, it should be no longer classified as egocentrism and called Narcissism.

The Narcissistic disorder (NPT) is defined as a pervasive pattern of grandiosity that needs both own admiration of others and as lacking empathy . This pathology usually begins in young people and can arise from various contexts. As with most diseases, people who suffer from them often cannot admit that they have it and cannot recognize themselves as narcissists.

Some characteristics of people with NPT include the belief that their own existence is great and unique and that they create special people who should only relate to people of equal character and not to those they consider inferior. Many times, they tend to show authoritative and manipulative attitudes and take behaviors of great arrogance and arrogance in front of others.

Five Subtypes of Narcissistic Disorder

In the study Disorders of Personality: DSM-IV-TM and Beyond (1996), Theodore Millon indicated five sub-types of narcissist; there are some, pure sub-types of narcissist. Millon’s five sub-types of narcissist are not identify in either the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders or in the International Statistical grading of Diseases and Related Health Issues.

Types And Definition Of Narcissistic Behavior

  1. Recommendations for the egocentric attitude

The psychologist is able to identify the problem and work on the patient’s insecurities.

As we explained previously, to achieve a change in the attitude of self-centered people, it is essential that they become aware of their problem in order to modify it. It is recommended that a specialist accompany the person in this process and continue his advice throughout the process.

The psychologist will be able to identify the root of the problem and will work on the insecurities and low self-esteem that most self-centered patients suffer from on the sly of their totally opposite attitudes.

If you know a person who has these characteristics and are willing to help them, you should recognize their achievements or merits in a fair way and not flatter them excessively. Talking and advising the self-centered person is essential as it will help to understand the situation in which he finds himself and how negative and harmful it can be for the person himself or for those around him.

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