
What is group?

We explain what a group is and what are its different definitions in various fields such as social, musical groups, among others.

  1. What is group?

A group refers to  a set of beings, individuals, or even things , which can be identified by their proximity, their common characteristics, or any other characteristic that allows them to be differentiated. Not only do we talk about groups of individuals, but this concept extends to almost all areas, from chemistry to music.

  1. Social group

Working group - study group
We can find study or work groups.

A social group refers to two or more individuals who share characteristics in common , whether religious, cultural, etc. This group is located within a specific context, in a specific society , where they fulfill particular roles and relate to other individuals.

The group of individuals in groups can be the product of a theoretical abstraction of a researcher (by this we refer to the fact that a person may not necessarily feel part of a group, but meets certain useful requirements for an investigation and places it in a certain group) or it can be an explicit choice of a person, be it a political group or even a subculture.

The term subculture refers to cultures parallel to the dominant one, which are characterized in many cases by the rejection of it and totally different patterns of coexistence , in addition to generating a feeling of very high belonging among its members.

When the character that defines a group is its economic level, the possibility of access to high educational levels, among other privileges, we are talking about a social class . In a very light way, we can characterize social classes in three large groups: high, medium, and low . These three social classes not only generate their membership mechanisms, but also have ideological mechanisms that reproduce a social perspective from the perspective of this class.

Likewise, we can find study or work groups , in which a certain set of individuals meets for a specific purpose, and generally has a division of tasks.

  1. Band

A musical group refers to a group of musicians who decide to join in order to form a musical band . Different genres have developed various variants in terms of group types, such as the chamber ensemble or the symphony orchestra in classical music, or the well-known rock or jazz groups.

  1. Chemistry Group

Chemical group
There are 18 groups in the periodic table, ten short groups and eight long groups.

In the field of chemistry , we can talk about a group when we refer to a series of elements present in the periodic table , and its arrangement is such that they represent the common characteristics by which they are grouped. There are 18 groups in the periodic table , ten short groups and eight long groups.

As we said before, their arrangement is not random, but they correspond to each other since they have the same valence number (the valence number is not more than the total number of electrons present in the last layer of the element). This same valence provides similar characteristics to the different elements that make up the groups.

  1. Astronomy Group

Astronomy has its own use of the term group. Its correct use is ” local group “, I understand this as the set of galaxies that are close to ours. Both the Andromeda galaxy and the Triangle Galaxy are the closest and because of this, the most explored by astronomers. This happens because there is a center of mass that functions as an axis for the galaxies that surround it.

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