
Types of Dictatorships

A dictatorship is a government regime in which there is a  concentration of power and decisions in one person or group  . It is a government regime  contrary to democracy  in which there is no citizen participation, with all the power of government concentrated in the interests of the dictator. types of dictatorships

A dictatorship is a form of government that has cruel consequences for the people and the country, mainly due to excessive control over citizens and the violation of human rights.

Military dictatorship types of dictatorships

In a military dictatorship, the concentration of political power is in the hands of groups formed by the military. In most dictatorships of this type, the rise of the military to government occurs through a coup. The coup occurs when a group manages to remove the government that legitimately held it from power. types of dictatorships

However, this scam does not necessarily occur by violent means. For example, the approval of a change in the law that would allow the removal of the government is also a form of coup d’état and, in this case, the coup is not due to violence. This situation is less common, but it can happen that a dictator comes to power through a process with characteristics of democracy, only demonstrating its dictatorial overtones after assuming power. types of dictatorships
It is important to know that the coup receives its name because it is an  abrupt change that affects the  legitimate government that held the position until now.

Characteristics of a dictatorship

Dictatorial regimes, although different from each other, have some characteristics in common. The main characteristic is the  concentration of power  , which can be in the hands of one person or a group. Along with this there is a lack of respect for the separation of the Powers of the State (Legislative, Executive and Judicial), and the decisions related to these Powers are also made by the dictator. In a democratic regime, the functions of each of the Powers are respected, as well as the separation between them. types of dictatorships

Another characteristic common to dictatorships is the existence of  censorship  , which is used mainly to prevent people who do not agree with the regime from having the means to express their opinions. types of dictatorships
Censorship is one of the most striking characteristics of a dictatorship. In addition to prohibiting citizens’ freedom of expression, some dictatorial regimes also censor the media and the Internet to prevent citizens from being informed. This measure is used to prevent the population from developing a critical conscience that allows it to criticize the regime. types of dictatorships
For more information, read the article  Characteristics of military dictatorships  . types of dictatorships

Is there a civil, socialist and communist dictatorship? types of dictatorships

There is talk of the existence of a civil (or civic-military), socialist or communist dictatorship. But do these types of dictatorship really exist? There are those who defend the existence of a civic-military dictatorship with the justification that a dictatorship, no matter how cruel, can count on the participation of members or organizations of civil society. types of dictatorships

However, it is important to clarify that  civil dictatorship is an inappropriate term  . An example of this case is the dictatorship that existed in Brazil between 1964 and 1985. Although it had the complicity of some citizens or members of civil society, it was a government exercised and supported by the Armed Forces. Thus, the Brazilian dictatorship was a military dictatorship. Venezuela is another example. The country has lived under the command of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela since 1999, when Hugo Chávez assumed the presidency. The government has some characteristics of a dictatorial government, even if it is based on socialism. types of dictatorships
Some people refer to the government of that country as a “Bolivarian” or socialist dictatorship, but this classification is not correct either. Thus, despite some authoritarian measures, it is not appropriate to identify the Venezuelan government as a dictatorship. types of dictatorships

The difference between socialism, communism and dictatorship

It is not possible to confuse a regime of socialist or communist bases with a dictatorship, although some of these regimes have certain dictatorial characteristics. So, to end this confusion, it is necessary to know the bases of these theories. It is also necessary to remember that many countries may not live under democratic regimes, but that does not mean that they can automatically be classified as countries in dictatorship. Cuba is a good example of this situation as it is an undemocratic country, under a government classified as communist. Learn more about  socialism  ,  communism  and see the  differences between them. types of dictatorships

Right-wing dictatorship and left-wing dictatorship types of dictatorships

It is interesting to know that any political regime, whether of right or left ideology, depending on the decisions made by the government, can become a dictatorship. Thus, in history there have been right-wing dictatorships and left-wing dictatorships. Here are some examples from countries that have already been under dictatorial governments: types of dictatorships

Right-wing dictatorships types of dictatorships

  • Italy
  • Portugal
  • Germany
  • Spain

Left dictatorships types of dictatorships

  • Soviet Union
  • Cuba
  • North Korea
  • Cambodia

Dictatorships that currently exist

Currently, there are some countries that live in governments considered dictatorial. Some are in fact under a dictatorship, others, although not defined in this way, have typical characteristics of this type of regime. types of dictatorships

According to data published in 2018 by  Freedom House  , the US organization for the protection of human rights, there are currently 49 countries that live under governments with characteristics of dictatorship. Angola, North Korea, Iran  and  Zimbabwe  are examples of countries where governments tend to act with a lot of repression, violence and control over the population. Lack of respect and violation of human rights is also very common in these governments. types of dictatorships
Cuba  and  China  are examples of countries that are not officially dictatorships. Cuba is under a communist regime and China is a People’s Republic. However, in these two countries there is control over freedom of expression and the press, as well as persecution of people who oppose the government.

Dictators types of dictatorships

Dictators, although they are different people, tend to have some characteristics in common, mainly in relation to their way of acting, their speeches, the historical moment in which they arise and the emotional appeal they generate in the population. Many of the dictators that emerged in the world had a strong charismatic appeal and managed to obtain the support of the citizenry for this influence, managing to introduce their ideas through the sympathy they gained with the people. It is common for the dictator to establish a connection with his governed, making them feel that there is an identification between them. Adolf Hitler  and  Josef Stalin  , for example, are considered by many historians to be extremely influential dictators, who exerted a certain fascination on citizens, despite the cruel practices that they could commit during their governments. types of dictatorships

Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), German dictator and Josef Stalin (1878-1953), Russian dictator. Another point in common with many dictators is the historical moment in which they emerge. Many dictators are known to the population in times of crisis, especially in economic crises. Taking advantage of this moment and using identification with the population, they end up being considered the best way out of the crisis. types of dictatorships
Dictators also tend to be fervent defenders of important moral values ​​for many people, such as upholding traditional family values, faith, and extreme love for their country, nationalism.

Differences between dictatorship and democracy

Dictatorship and democracy are  opposite regimes  . In the dictatorship there is no participation of the people and decisions are imposed by the government, in a very authoritarian way. People’s needs and wants are not taken into account. Or the dictator says that he knows what is best for the population and that is why he decides everything. types of dictatorships

Furthermore, in a dictatorship there are no direct elections, human rights are easily violated, and censorship of citizens and the press is a common practice. types of dictatorship
In democracy, popular participation is the basis of the regime, decisions are made by the people and in their favor, considering the needs and benefits that must be served by the citizens. In a democratic regime, elections are free, human rights are protected and there is no censorship, with respect to the freedom of expression of citizens. types of dictatorships

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