
Relief And Geography Relief

We explain what is relief geography? (both in geography and art) and its characteristics. Examples of each type of geographical relief. what is relief geography

What is relief? what is relief geography

The relief is an outstanding texture of a surface . However, this word can also have other meanings related to the art and dialogical expressions of people.

The relief  indicates the variations on a type of surface , it is directly related to the elevations at different levels, which makes it possible to modify a given area and, in many cases, provide texture. what is relief geography

Relief in Geography what is relief geography

The relief, within geography , is synonymous with geographical accidents . These accidents occur in forms of irregularities and unevenness within a terrestrial or aquatic ecosystem .

The relief is of the utmost importance for the studies of climate and flora , and its appearance within the terrain can be due to internal processes of the planet earth , actions of nature , as well as by the intervention of man. what is relief geography

Some geographical accidents such as mountains, valleys, hills and plains  are explained by factors such as erosion , the effect of gravity and climate over long periods of time.

In turn, different types of reliefs can be distinguished in geography: what is relief geography

Continental relief what is relief geography

The outstanding parts of the land are thus known in relation to sea level. Everything we know as mountains , cliffs, beaches, plateaus, plains, canyons, among others, are part of the continental relief regardless of their measurements or sizes

Oceanic relief

The parts of the land that are below sea level are thus known.

What causes land reliefs?

The volcanism is produced by the fire accumulated inside the earth.

Basically it is due to a geological process, natural movements on the surface of the earth . There are two types of main forces, these are:


Responsible for the rise of the earth, it is responsible for the existence of continents and areas that can be inhabited by non-aquatic living beings. Its sense can be both lateral and vertical, and its intensity varies according to the amount of energy that moves the terrestrial plates. Therefore, they can be imperceptible or cause major catastrophes in different cities.


Movement that is produced by the accumulated fire inside the Earth that gives life to the volcanoes .

Example of geographical reliefs


They follow the same sense as the mountains but their size is considerably smaller and they are less steep. Its top is rounded and there are only streams or irregularities in the valley (lower part).


Also known as plateau. They are characterized by being flat elevations, many of these formations give rise to valleys,


It is a topographic elevation. They are the largest geological formations, whose elevation is greater than 1000 kilometers above sea level. They are usually grouped, this is called mountainous landscape .


Its height is minimal and its irregularities scarce. Many of them have been originated by the flow of rivers, although the latter correspond to the type of “alluvial plains”, in the same way because of having been part of the seabed or lakes. Others are born by simple natural erosions.

Geological structure of planet Earth

There are three types of layers analyzing the planet from the inside to the surface, these are:


It is estimated to be a spherical region with an approximate radius of 3,500 km.


It is the intermediate zone composed of elements such as magnesium and iron silicate, it is not hard, but gelatinous. Its thickness is approximately 2,900 km.


Not only does he understand what we can step on or see, but even what is under the sea, up to 33 kilometers deep. This in turn has two parts, these are:


With higher content in aluminum and silicon. Bring the continents to life.


It also has silicon but also magnesium. It is where the basaltic layer arises. what is relief geography

Relief in art

The relief in a painting can be seen in the form of layers or overlapping figures.

In art , relief is known as a technique that allows you to create an effect of optical and physical depth in a plane . In this case, we can also find a relevant classification, according to the type of effect given to this relief: what is relief geography

Bas – relief

The main elements tend to stand out slightly.

Sunk what is relief geography

The carving occurs on the element in which it is working, such as a stone block. In this way, the area is “polished”, leaving only the exposed figure.

Mediorrelieve what is relief geography

.In this case, half of the elements are raised or highlighted.

High relief what is relief geography

Same as the previous classification, only that it stands out a little more than half.

Medium package what is relief geography

It is carved throughout the space, however it never comes off the wall. what is relief geography

Hollow relief what is relief geography

This sculpture technique plays with the lights and shadows to give a special finish to the work.

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