
What is freedom?

We explain what freedom and debauchery are. What are the types of freedom and their limits. What is negative and positive freedom.

  1. What is freedom?

The concept of freedom comes from the Latin word liber , which means that person who has a spirit of active procreation. This definition is linked to sexual maturity , so it could be considered obsolete.

Currently, the term freedom is linked to that power that people have to act according to their own will . Due to the history of mankind, this concept can also be used to refer to those people who are not imprisoned or in a state of slavery.

  1. Types of freedom

Freedom of worship allows you to practice the religion you want or not to practice any.

Freedom is a word that is used in various aspects, so it charges more specific definitions. For example, you can talk about:

  • Freedom of association  It refers to the faculty that people have to form organizations , associations or groups that have legitimate objectives to achieve.
  • Freedom of movement Term that refers to that possibility that human beings have to move freely in different parts of the planet, either from one country to another or within it.
  • Freedom of expression.  It has to do with the ability of people to express themselves, investigate, disseminate, receive information and opinions and give their opinion without being bothered by this.
  • Freedom to carry weapons.  It has to do with the right that people have to be able to carry, transport and use weapons for sports or defense purposes provided that this does not legally harm third parties.
  • Sexual freedom  It refers to the ability of people to choose their own sexuality .
  • Freedom of the press.  It has to do with the ability of individuals to organize themselves in order to create a means of communication in which the published contents cannot be censored as well as controlled by the State and its powers.
  • Freedom of worship  Related to the freedom that people have to be able to choose a religion , not to choose any one, to believe or not in the existence of some divine being. At the same time, this freedom implies that people can openly and publicly practice this choice without being oppressed, persuaded or discriminated against.
  • Freedom of business  It refers to companies linked to the market economy , based on rationalist ethics linked to individual freedom.
  • Freedom of usufruct of the property.  It is that freedom that people or business entities have to have, obtain, use, dispose or control objects, capital, land or other property.
  • Academic freedom.  It refers to the ability to practice teaching with absolute freedom when teaching and discussing without limitations or restrictions.
  1. What is debauchery?

When talking about the term freedom, it is necessary to differentiate it from debauchery, which refers to those behaviors or acts that are characterized by being carried out without taking into account how they will affect the rest of society , that break the law and that are immoral.

This makes the concept of debauchery, although it implies the exercise of freedom, has a negative connotation for its immorality and debauchery .

  1. How to enhance freedom?

Balance is the fullness of being and allows you to make better decisions.
  • Knowledge .  Being a holder of information, having exceeded the limits of their surroundings, looking and reflecting on the obvious, investigating, investigating, etc., are important points to have both more possibilities and arguments to choose from and even more dreams to yearn for.
  • Value .  Fear is one of the most powerful feelings and the main impediment to dare to make decisions , sometimes it even works as a way to freezehuman behavior . Therefore it is necessary to learn to recognize and face it.
  • Passion.  It encompasses all those intense emotions that act as an engine that guides through life. Not all are positive feelings, for example: joy, anger, anger, love.
  • Responsibility.  It is being aware of the acts themselves, assuming consequences and results of the decisions themselves. Nothing is random, everything is a product of actions, as long as this is kept in mind, it will be possible to change one’s destiny.
  • Balance.  It is the fullness of being and allows you to make better decisions, it is the best ally, since any psychological problem or psychological malaise can interfere in the search for freedom.
  1. Freedom limits

Sounds contradictory, but you can’t be completely free, why?

  • It would make living together difficult.  You must act as long as you do not exceed the limits of the other or limit the freedom of others. This is called respect for individual freedom.
  • Regulatory entities  the study of the nature of freedom, its extension and barriers, has shown that it is important to have an “objective” external regulation, such as laws, government . Otherwise, the limits would be lost.
  • The experience.  There is a belief that if the man is left free, he will respect others, because it is his nature, since he adapts and learns to live without norms established by power. However, history has shown that in anarchic periods it has been impossible to find the intermediate point between one’s own needs and that of others, resulting in chaos and violence.
  1. Freedom in a negative way

It is one that is born by the absence of repression , that is, there is no coercion or opposition from a third party (group or external entity such as government, State, etc.) so that others express their behavior freely.

Sometimes human disabilities are often understood within negative freedom , but it is not so, it is free even without some physical abilities.

  1. Freedom in a positive way

Self-realization is the pride of achieving a goal on its own.

It is the opposite of the negative, in this aspect, it consists in mastering one’s own will , being the people the creators of their own life, taking responsibility for their destiny.

Here you are aware of both the limits and the tools and both are handled in order to overcome obstacles. If there is a word that supports it perfectly, that is self-realization.

Although it is the opposite of the negative one, both are in turn complementary, since through the absence of negative freedom, positive freedom is favored, which is understood as an impact.

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