Terms And Technology

Difference between link and URL with comparison table

We explain the difference between link and URL with table. The web houses a wealth of information and resources. It is so tremendously vast that not even all the books in the world could provide so much information. One can just open a search engine and search for whatever one wants, and it is right in front of them. However, that’s just the front, what the user sees. A lot happens behind the scenes for each and every search, and how this works is worth understanding. This is because the web is the future, if it is not already, and understanding gives it very significant advantages in the world, be it professional or social.

Link and URL are two of those terms that are heard a lot when it comes to the web. We know this because we use it many times a day and every day. When we share content with someone over the network, we share a link. We insert a URL into the browser when we need to search for a particular page.

What is Link? Difference between link and URL

The link is an HTML object that allows the user to move or ‘jump’ from one location on the web to another. Basically, the link creates a path between the pages, and when we click on the link, it instructs the browser to display the page that is located at the address specified by the link. This HTML object makes it convenient to design web pages and connect them internally. Options like go back, go to the next page, go to the first page, etc., are only possible due to the existence of links.

The actual name of the link is hyperlink. Hyperlinks are very common and occur frequently on the web. Typically, when text is converted to a hyperlink, it is colored blue and indicated with an underline underneath, to make it clear that the following text is a hyperlink. Often in browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc., once a web page is visited, the link changes from blue to purple. Difference between link and URL

But one important thing to keep in mind is that the links are not only intended for web pages or web addresses. They can also be used to link images, videos, etc. Although the default appearance is underlined blue text, it is possible to customize them to your liking using HTML or CSS styles.

In case an image acts as a link, the tag encapsulates the entire image, thus surrounding the image. This makes the image act as a link. Links can also be of two types, relative and absolute. Relative links do not contain a domain name, while absolute links do. Difference between link and URL

What is URL?

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, which is an address that incorporates a protocol, a colon, a domain, a resource path, and a port number. Sometimes URLs can also incorporate fragment identifiers. Another thing that people often confuse with URLs is domain names. This is a widely made mistake that people make without knowing it; however, URLs incorporate domain names, and therefore domain names are part of URLs. A domain name is actually a representative of the IP address that is used for navigation and communication between devices. The domain name makes this easier to understand and also to memorize. Difference between link and URL

In case someone accidentally enters a wrong URL, then there is a 404 error. This error code is when the URL is broken, wrong, or the page used to go to has been deleted or moved to another address. Error codes usually have an accompanying message, and the 404 error code message is “page not found.” This covers all the scenarios provided above.

Another important aspect to keep in mind is that the web developer does not create the URLs. That is the job of the web server. However, it is very important for the web developer to keep the address resource to avoid a 404 error or any consequential error. Difference between link and URL

Difference between link and URL

The main difference between link and URL is that a link takes a user from one web address to another, and this address is known as a URL. Difference between link and URL

Comparison table between link and URL

Comparison parameters Link Url
Definition Link connects the user to a web address. Each web page has a unique address, called a URL. (Uniform Resource Locator)
Protocol The links do not follow any type of protocol. The URL follows protocols, such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, etc.
Syntax Links do not have a defined syntax. The syntax for URLs contains a protocol, a colon, a domain, a resource path, and a port number. Sometimes a chunk identifier is also present.
Browser functionality Typing a link in a browser may not yield the desired result. Typing the URL of a website returns the desired result.
Character behavior Any character can be used for a link. Since some characters have a special use in URLs, their use is limited.

Main differences between link and URL

  1. The main difference between link and URL is that the link takes the user from one address to another, while URL is the address indicated by the link. Difference between link and URL
  2. Links do not follow any protocol, while URLs follow protocols, such as HTTP, FTP, etc.
  3. Links do not have a defined syntax, while URLs do.
  4. If one types a link in a browser, the results returned will not be accurate, compared to typing a URL.
  5. Any character can be used for a link, while in a URL the use of special characters is limited. Difference between link and URL

Final Thought

In day-to-day conversations, people use interchangeable links and URLs a lot, and that’s okay. However, it is really important to know the differences when speaking in official terms, especially when it comes to computer related topics. In such cases, it is important to know what term to use and where, as that is the basis of building a web page. Having a basic understanding of these terms is a good thing for everyone. Difference between link and URL

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