
What is stress?

We explain what stress is, how to know if it is stressed and why we are stressed. Stress levels and their possible treatments.

  1. What is stress?

Stress is the response that our body gives to various situations that cause enough tension to consider them a threat. These situations can be of various kinds, the triggers of stress being different in each person . While someone a family conflict , such as divorce, can cause stress, in another person they are, for example, university exams.

Stress is a self-defense response of the organism, first of all, certain stimuli that make people perceive nervousness and tension . Although today it represents one of the most widespread health problems , due to the work and social demands, this is because the processes that trigger this pathology, being frequent in everyday life, tend to generate other problems, especially in the nervous system .

Being stress a generator of tension and anxiety , people often take refuge in different addictions to acquire momentary states of relaxation. Addictions to those who come with a higher rate are alcohol, smoking and drug abuse.

  1. How to know if I’m stressed?

Insomnia is one of the most common symptoms of stress.

Before reading the following symptoms, which are considered the most common, you should keep in mind that they are not the same in all people , as they can vary in intensity and form.

  • Heart Rate Acceleration
  • breathing stirred
  • Excess perspiration levels
  • Dry mouth
  • Sexual impotence
  • Irate and unstable humor
  • Difficulty concentrating normally
  • Various muscle aches
  • Headaches
  • Exhausted
  • Nightmares and difficulty resting
  • Obvious nervousness
  • Lack of patience
  • Sadness
  • Emotional instability
  • Lack of motor control (tremors, for example)
  • Dizziness and / or disorientation
  • Complications at the digestive level (Lack of appetite, dry belly)
  • Excess or lack of urine
  • Phobias and panic attacks
  • Insomnia
  1. Why do we get stressed?

Some of the stress triggers are usually quite common. Sometimes stress is not usually a major problem, since it resolves on its own.

  • Sudden and marked change of routine (Change of school or city , for example)
  • Abrupt modification of relationships (Separation, marriage, commitment, pregnancy, ruptures)
  • Disease discovery
  • Accidents
  • Frustration at the inability to reach a goal
  • Some drugs or drugs (tobacco, coffee, specific pills)
  1. Stress levels

Chronic stress is the most stressful since it affects every area of ​​life.
  • Acute : Short term. It occurs after tensions pertaining to the recent past and the near future, this means that it is exciting for the person, but abusing it can be dangerous because of the wear and tear it produces. An example of an acute stress trigger could be a simple car accident that breaks the car. The discomfort will remain for a short time .
  • Acute episodic : This is the acute stress explained above, but that is raised repeatedly in the life of the person. Usually, the type of people affected by this stress is often messy, so you are always in a hurry. The main health conflict that can cause are the heart. Sometimes, pessimistic people suffer from this stress.
  • Chronic : It is the most exhausting of the three, since it manages to affect life from all types of edges, since the symptoms expand to all areas. People who suffer from it do not visualize possible solutions to their problems, since it is their whole way of life that causes chronic stress. For example, a woman unable to divorce, immersed in a violent marriage, or a man who lives in misery and finds no way to support her children. However, some causes are usually rooted since childhood, the product of traumas that evoke depressive and / or threatening visions of the world. Its main and unfortunate consequences are suicide and the development of a tendency to suffer from serious diseases.
  1. Does stress have treatment?

Definitely. The goal of any stress treatment is to make the patient able to master the situations that aggravated him. For this, certain types of exercises, techniques and habits are used.

  • Relaxation exercises like yoga
  • Recreational activities that distend, such as playing a sport or walking
  • Routine Development
  • Healthy habits in eating
  • Provocation of laughter through stimuli
  • Try to avoid worries and tense situations
  • Board games to stimulate concentration

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