
What is Technology?

We explain what technology is and the types of technology we can identify. The origin and evolution of this knowledge.

  1. What is technology?

Technology is a set of notions and knowledge used to achieve a precise objective , which leads to the solution of a specific problem of the individual or to the satisfaction of some of their needs. It is an extremely broad concept that is able to cover a huge variety of aspects that can range from electronics to art or medicine.

Some examples : the creation of tablets capable of performing the work of a computer , being excessively light and portable, is a merit of technology. As well as the creation of robots for the automation of repetitive tasks, or an animal cloning .

We can identify the two main types of technologies:

  • Hard technologies.  Those that use elements of the hard sciences such as engineering, mechanics, mathematics , physics , chemistry and others . In this way, it can be used as an example of hard technology, applied to the field of computer science , biochemistry , electronics, etc. Another characteristic of these is that the product obtained is not only visible but also tangible; that is, it is about the production of material goods.
  • Soft technologies.  Those that rely on humanistic or soft sciences, such as sociology , psychology , economics , etc. Generally, they are used in order to achieve improvements within institutions or companies that allow them to achieve their objectives in a more effective way. In this case the product that is obtained is not visible or tangible, since it consists in the development of services, strategies, theories and others.

In short, hard technologies give us tangible assets , such as a wooden spoon, and soft technologies provide us with intangible assets, such as the creation and development of software . It is usual to relate soft technologies to the field of economics, management and administrationwhile, on the contrary, hard technologies are closely related to the area of ​​physics and chemistry.

On the other hand, we can find a flexible technology that massifies technologies in different areas (for example, the microchip that is used in both phones and computers) as well as the fixed technology that encompasses the set of technologies for a product or certain area (for example, rat poison is used for the particular elimination of said animal).

  1. Origin and evolution of technology

Technology - Wheel Invention
The invention of the wheel facilitates the movement of people more quickly.

Instinctively, from the beginning of the story, people sought to develop technology (techniques to improve their quality of life ). In the beginning, for example, stones were transformed into spears and wood was used to make fire.

It is the discovery of fire the first technology that gives the human notorious benefits either by increasing the possibilities and alternatives of feeding , or using it as a method of defense before the dangers of their habitat . In turn, the invention of the wheel facilitates the movement of people more quickly and safely, controlling the surrounding environment.

Formally speaking, technology has its origin when the technique (initially empirical) begins to link with science and in this way the production methods are structured. This relationship allows a theoretical reflection of “doing” and establishing an analysis of the products that resulted from these processes.

At present, in this capitalist world, globalized and demanding, it demands constant evolution, through the advancement of its techniques and the study, research and discovery of new technologies (called “cutting edge”) to continue achieving increases in the quality of life.

The  new technologies  are those that arise after the Second World War and involve some striking features. For example, its rapid growth and insertion in society , carry consequences of great importance and have an incredible significance, never before given. The risk is essentially that the human being is able to control and dominate them, not allowing to reach an irreversible point where it begins to generate incalculable damage.

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