
What is prayer?

We explain what a sentence is and some of its characteristics. In addition, the elements that make up a sentence.

  1. What is prayer?

Prayer is one or more words that make up a whole with logical sense . From the linguistic point of view, it is the smallest unit of content and also has syntactic autonomy. In addition, the sentence is characterized by starting with a capital letter and ending with a period.

A sentence can be bimembre (when a subject and a predicate can be divided) or unimembre . According to the morphology of the sentence we can differentiate several grammatical categories, that is, to what kind of word each of the elements that make up a sentence corresponds:

  • Noun (or name, named in the past). it is the kind of word that designates or names an object, a person , an animal or an idea. Examples of nouns are Juan, house, spring, friendship, book, dogs, shelves , etc. The noun is classified into gender (feminine and masculine) and number (singular and plural). We can also find common or proper nouns, individual and collective, concrete and abstract.
  • Adjective.  It is the kind of word that accompanies the noun, providing information or modifying it, that is, it extends the meaning of the name. The adjective can be divided into subcategories, the main one being the qualifying adjective, such as white house . The adjective is also classified into gender (feminine and masculine) and number (singular and plural).
  • Articles.  They also accompany the noun and indicate its gender and number. They can be defined or determining (el, la, los, las) or indefinite or indeterminate (one, one, ones, ones). The article is classified into gender (feminine and masculine) and number (singular and plural) as well as the noun it accompanies, it must always coincide to maintain the concordance of the sentence.
  • Pronouns.  As the name implies, the pronoun is the word that goes “instead of the name”, that is, the noun. They are substitutes for the noun phrase and can be classified as personal, numeral, possessive, demonstrative, indefinite, interrogative, reflexive, exclamatory and relative.
  • Verb.  This word category indicates an action, a process or a state. In Spanish there are three possible conjugations: first conjugation (the verbs ending in –ar), second conjugation (those ending in –er) and third conjugation (those ending in –ir). The verbs can be conjugated in a certain way (indicative, subjunctive and imperative), tense (present, past, future or conditional) and person (first, second or third of the singular and plural). When the verbs are not conjugated they can be infinitive, participles or gerunds. It is important to mention that in Spanish there are irregular verbs that do not correspond to regular disintentions.
  • Prepositions  They are invariable words. They are: a, before, under, with, against, of, and so on.
  • Adverb.  It is the word that accompanies the verb, adjective or other adverb . Adverbs can be classified into several subcategories, such as being an adverb of place, time, mode, doubt, denial and quantity.
  • Interjections They refer to expressions, such as surprise (oh! Ah!)
  • Conjunctions  They are the connectors, indispensable in the conformation of a text , they can be copulative, disjunctive, adversative, causal, and so on.

When we analyze a sentence according to its conforming parts and functions of the words within it, we speak of syntax . The subject has one or several central words, or nuclei . In the same way the predicate will have a verbal nucleus, or not, since a predicate can be nominal or adverbial when the nucleus is a name or an adverb. Within the subject we will find the modifiers of the noun N, and within the predicate the complements of the verbal N.

According to the way the speaker uses language we can identify different types of sentences . Namely, a sentence is enunciative when the speaker issues a statement about something, it can be affirmative or negative, a deiderative sentence when the speaker expresses a desire, interrogative or exclamative when he asks or exclaims something and, finally, imperative, when he gives a Order, pray or forbid.

Another meaning of the word is prayer as a form of communication with God , a Saint, a deceased ancestor, etc., in order to make a request or thanks, or express a feeling or a thought.

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