
Output Devices Types of it Computer

  1. What are the output devices?

In computer science , known as output devices ( output ) to those who allow the extraction or retrieval of information from the computer or computer system, ie translating them into visual, sound, print or any other kind of terms.

This implies that the output devices do not usually introduce information to the system , except in the case of mixed devices or input / output or I / O (in English input / output or I / O), which can fulfill both functions.

The output devices are varied and allow the communication of the computerized system with the outside , either with the user , with other systems or with a network thereof, since it is the only way to obtain data from the system, usually represented somehow.

See also: Input devices .

  1. Examples of output devices

Some common examples of output devices are:

  • Monitors . The standard output device, which converts the digital signals of the system into visual information, represented graphically, so that system users can perceive it. There are monitors of all types, varying in their capacity of visual quality, and some even allow the entry of information through touch screens (thus becoming I / O).
  • Printers . Another classic of computing that does not lose its validity is the device capable of converting the digital content of the computer into a printed document, thus allowing it to be extracted and converted into a tangible object, which can be intervened by hand. In general, printers use paper and various inkjet or laser systems.
  • Speakers . The speakers extract the information from the system, but translating it into sound signals that users can listen to. Thus, electrical impulses become sound ( sound waves) in contrast to the operation of recorders or microphones.
  • Videobeams and projectors . These are devices that receive information from the computer system and represent it graphically, much like the monitors do, but instead of emitting on a screen, they project that information as beams of light, in the same way as a movie projector or for slideshow. Thus, the information can be seen on a wall or a surface designed for it, and much larger.
  • CD or DVD copiers . These disc formats, both the Compact Disc (CD) and the Digital Video Disc (DVD), allow to transfer information from one system to another; only that once copied or “recorded”, they function as a matrix from which information can be replicated but not incorporate new data. The copier of these disks, like this, allows extracting information from the system and passing it to said disks.
  • Modems . Modems allow the communication of the computer with computer systems or networks that can overcome great distances, emitting (and receiving) information through cables or bands of radio waves . It is really an I / O device.

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