
What is a natural landscape?

We explain what a natural landscape is and what its elements are. In addition, its main characteristics, examples and cultural landscape.

  1. What is a natural landscape?

Natural landscapes are those  physical spaces that have not been modified by the hand of the human being . A good part of the land that is on the earth’s surface, today, has already been modified, that is why these types of landscapes are far from people’s daily lives , and are less and less. It is that cities , routes, roads and other constructions of man became essential to meet the needs of people.

In any case, natural landscapes can still be recorded, where the interaction between climate and geological elements, as well as ecological ones, remains intact. An example of this are the North Pole and the South Pole , some mountains that are at very high heights, as well as forests , jungles or coasts. Or even, some plains or valleys.

In general, these are lands that, due to the characteristics of their soil or because of their climate or height, are  uninhabitable for man . And they do not have raw material or soils that can be exploited.

  1. Elements of the natural landscape

The relief is about geographical accidents that are identified within an area.

Some of the elements that can be found in any natural landscape, and that will determine their unique qualities and characteristics are the following:

  • Area.  it is the terrain displayed between certain limits. It is there where the natural landscape in question develops.
  • Relief.  These are the different geographical accidents that are identified within that area. For example, a mountain or a valley. A mountain range or a mountain range.
  • Water.  they are the  molecules composed of oxygen and hydrogen ( H2O ). It is characterized by being odorless, colorless and tasteless. It is an essential element for the development of any kind of life, both animal and vegetable.
  • Flora.  it’s about vegetables, whether plants, trees or shrubs that inhabit the landscape.
  • Wildlife. here, however, the different animals that will live in the natural landscape in question are identified.
  • Minerals They are the inorganic materials of each landscape. Silver, gold, nickel or copper are just a few examples.
  • Weather.  It is the atmospheric conditions of that territory. Here humidity, atmospheric pressure , temperature and rainfall are identified , among other indicators.
  • I usually.  It is the outer layer of the earth’s crust. According to its characteristics, different kinds of vegetation will develop.
  1. Natural landscape features

Natural landscapes end up becoming tourist destinations.

As previously mentioned, natural landscapes are those lands where  the intervention of the hand of man is not observed . Although, it can happen that the landscape remains intact, with the exception of the placement of some structure , such as a bridge or a road, so that it can be appreciated or crossed by man . Even so, its different elements are preserved virtually intact.

It may also happen that people live in them . But, unlike cities, the population is very scarce. Sometimes they don’t even live close to each other, so the terrain is not affected at all.

Sometimes, it happens that the natural landscape is protected by man. This means that, by a government provision, it is decided to preserve a certain territory. Then it becomes a natural park, in which the access of people is restricted, and there are certain guidelines for its preservation. Thus, it is guaranteed that the life of the flora and fauna of the place can continue to develop. In addition to natural parks, there are monuments and nature reserves


These natural landscapes, for their beauty and for being exotic and unique places, become tourist destinations . And they are increasingly coveted.

  1. Natural landscape examples

The Iguazu Falls are located in Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil.

Some of the most recognized natural landscapes – and beautiful – in the world are the following:

  • The Galapagos Islands.  This natural landscape is located in Ecuador, very close to its coasts. These islands are of volcanic origin. Thanks to this, those who visit them will appreciate beautiful turtles, which are characterized by being large.
  • Iguazu falls. located in the province of Misiones, Argentina; Paraguay and Brazil, this landscape has 275 jumps, which reach 80 meters high.
  • Vesuvius This mountain located in Italy is in front of the Bay of Naples and is a still active volcano that is part of the Alpine chains.
  • Grand Canyon. This landscape is located in the United States, north of the state of Arizona. It is a geographical accident resulting from the passage of the Colorado River.
  • The Black Forest Located in Germany, this natural landscape is characterized by abundant afforestation, in addition to being there where Feldberg Peak is located.
  1. Natural and cultural landscape

In a cultural landscape you can see buildings, squares, roads and bridges, among others.

In cultural landscapes, unlike natural landscapes, it is easy to perceive the intervention of the human being. And, therefore,  that land that was once natural is clearly modified .

Why does man modify it? To be able to develop your life and meet your needs . A clear example of this is the cities. Where people live and carry out their daily tasks, such as work, study, purchase products of basic needs, and others.

So in cultural landscapes buildings, squares, roads, roads, bridges, factories, fields with crops are observed. In order to install all this, people were forced to  divert rivers, cut down trees, pave soils, in order to take advantage of the land .

So in any cultural field you will find:

  • Population.  This is a group of people who live and share the same land. And they interact with each other.
  • Households.  Closed buildings inhabited by a group of people, usually family . And it is there where they carry out basic activities such as eating or sleeping. The houses are not only to preserve the privacy of people, but also, to protect themselves from high or low temperatures, animals, rains and any other type of natural phenomenon.
  • Productions It is called the set of products, that is: raw materials that have been modified by humans.

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