
What is UNICEF?

We explain what UNICEF is and for what purpose this international fund was created. In addition, when it was created and the functions it fulfills.

  1. What is UNICEF?

It is known as Unicef the International Emergency Fund United Nations Children’s Fund (for its acronym in English:  United Nations  International  Children’s Emergency Fund ), a program developed within the UN to provide humanitarian support to mothers and children The developing countries.   

Unicef  was created on December 11, 1946 in order to solve many of the food, educational and other needs of children surviving World War II , a conflict that left Europe in a state of total devastation. From 1953, however, its reach extended to the entire world and was granted the status of permanent organism of the United Nations.

Unicef ​​financing is based entirely on donations from companies , foundations and governments . His motto is  For each child  and his work has earned him recognition such as the Nobel Peace Prize (1965) or the Prince of Asturias Award for Concord (2006).

A series of world personalities from the world of entertainment and culture have the status of Unicef ​​Goodwill ambassadors, such as North American actress Emma Watson, Argentine singer Diego Torres, Colombian singer and songwriter Shakira or American actor Danny Glover .

  1. Unicef ​​Functions

UNICEF cares about health, education, protection and other children’s rights.

More than 193 countries work with UNICEF through various regional programs and committees, whose principles are based on the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Children and Adolescents. In this way, the agency is concerned with the health , education , protection and other human rights needs of children , through a constant work of data collection, promotion of equality and policies and alliances with local governments to provide food , medical care and clothing for children in endemically poor regions or victims of armed conflict.

Among these tasks are:

  • Immunization of children populations through free vaccine campaigns.
  • Attention to displaced children and adolescents or victims of military conflicts.
  • Attention to children populations in states of extreme poverty, as in some countries of the African continent.
  • Sponsorship of positive initiatives for children or to combat child drug addiction, such as sports or culture.
  • Denunciation of child labor, child recruitment or other forms of exploitation including sexual exploitation.

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